
Sampling & Analysis

Practical expertise in environmental microplastics sampling and analysis

As your microplastics pollution advisor, I can offer significant support in sample planning, collection, preparation, and laboratory analysis. I have fluency in many microplastics methods and sampling approaches, including quality control approaches for analytical methods.

I can also analyze and readily interpret microplastics data for environmental decision-makers including working with clients to measure performance of MP pollution controls.

Polluted beach.

Sampling & Analysis Selected Projects

  • Research

    Microplastics Advisor

    Research by Stanford’s Climate Health and Immunology Research – Kari Nadeau Lab, the University of Pacific Department of Chemistry, the San Francisco Estuary Institute, the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, and many others.

  • Analysis

    Demonstration Projects

    San Diego Bay (with US Navy SPAWAR), and Boston Harbor (Draper Labs/New England Aquarium).

  • Analysis

    Tern Island Investigation

    With US Navy SPAWAR/Loyola Marymount Univ.

  • Research

    Published Research

    Several published journal articles.

Microplastics Strategies

Strategies in preparation for potential future MP concerns and possible regulations

As a seasoned professional in this emerging field, I am in a position to track MP regulations and employ research to aid in regulatory or policy development. I have a thorough understanding of the multitude and extent of sources of MP in the environment.

I am well situated to support water and wastewater sector, and other partners, in adapting to increasing microplastics concerns. As your partner I can identify State and Federal level funding opportunities to address MP pollution.

Water polluted with microplastics.

Microplastics Strategies Selected Projects

  • Advisory

    Public Advisory & Awareness

    Regularly collaborate with and/or advise the CA Department of Public Health, the CA Association of Sanitation Agencies, the CA Ocean Protection Council, and the Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research on microplastics methods and study design.

  • Advisory

    Microplastics Research

    Member of the CA Statewide Microplastics working group and a Water Research Foundation microplastics Project Advisory Committee.

  • Research

    Water Analysis

    Member of the ASTM D19-06 committee on chemical methods for analysis of organic chemicals in water, co-author of 3 ASTM Practices and 1 analytical method for the analysis microplastics in water.

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental monitoring design, data analysis, management, and interpretation

Beyond microplastics, I am highly experienced in environmental monitoring design in many scenarios and in all media (air, water, soil, and biota). I have extensive experience in both environmental and public health contexts.

I offer the latest in sampling technology and environmental data (statistical) analysis for decision-driven projects such as environmental compliance, environmental and public health assessment, contamination treatment, and more.

Bird holding trash in water.

Environmental Monitoring Selected Projects

  • Analysis

    Tern Island PCBs

    Novel assessment of residual PCBs (and microplastics) in sediment and water at Tern Island – French Frigate Shoals (Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, HI).

  • Analysis

    Volatile Organic Chemicals

    Study of volatile organic chemicals in air and groundwater (Los Angeles).

  • Analysis

    Residual Pesticides

    Study of residual pesticides and herbicides in soil, water, and drums in various locations (Guam, San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, AZ, San Pedro Channel Deep Dumpsite).

  • Analysis

    Gold King Mine

    Study of heavy metals in released mine water in the Navajo Nation (UT).

Pollution Remediation

Pollution management in aquatic and estuarine environments and contaminated or impaired soils

My extensive remediation background can serve you in addressing contaminated aquatic and terrestrial environments. Having arranged and conducted numerous environmental cleanups addressing things like industrial chemical wastes, mine wastes, radioactive Uranium wastes, abandoned derelict vessel (marine debris) removals I have the knowledge and contacts to execute these projects in a highly efficient and cost-effective manner.

New government and private funding opportunities will allow for more cleanups in the future. This is especially true in estuarine environments in the face of climate change and sea level rise. I can readily implement these projects for a variety of clients.

Oil in water.

Pollution Remediation Selected Projects

  • Cleanup

    Hazardous Waste Projects

    Hazardous waste/materials cleanups including chemical wastes (Los Angeles, Ontario, Montclair, Arcata (Wiyot Indian Reservation)), metal plating shops (San Diego, Oakland, Los Angeles), residential mercury exposures (Las Vegas, NV, Fresno, Rancho Mirage), and damaged lithium-ion battery cases (Los Angeles).

  • Cleanup

    Environmental Cleanup Projects

    Oil spills (Suisun City), marine debris removal cases (Bodega Bay, Petaluma, Oakland, Sacramento, Guam), stream restoration sites (Northern CA, Prescott, AZ, Aravaipa, AZ), mine reclamation (Gallup, NM, Cove, AZ, Monument Valley, UT (Navajo Nation), Prescott, AZ, Aravaipa, AZ, Eureka, NV), and pesticide remediation (Yavapai Indian Reservation, AZ, Gila River Indian Community, AZ, South Fork TeMoak Reservation, NV, various Navajo Nation).

Emergency Management

Responding to environmental emergencies

I have extensive experience in environmental emergencies at small and large scales. I have served as the Federal On-Scene Coordinator in Unified Command at numerous oil spills, fires, train derailments, and chemical releases.

I have served as the Incident Commander and various operational roles in USEPA lead, FEMA Incidents of National Significance under Emergency Support Function 10. I have trained Federal, State, and private employees, as well as university students, in these topics. Using my deep experience in this field and my many contacts, I can readily fulfill your response needs.

Car driving on a road out of a column of wildfire smoke.

Emergency Management Selected Projects

  • Cleanup

    Estuarine/Marine Oil Spills

    Suisun City (CA), San Francisco (CA), Oakland (CA), Gaviota (CA), Huntington Beach (CA).

  • Disaster Response

    California Fires

    Valley Fire (Middletown), 2017 NorCal Fire Complex (Napa, Santa Rosa), Woolsey Fire (Camarillo, Malibu).

  • Disaster Response

    Hurricane Katrina

    New Orleans (LA).

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